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I make an effort every day, To do my best to work to pray. My effort is to try, A verb, an action, to reach for the sky. I try to do...
My Fall Vegetable Garden
Snow is creeping down the mountains now. Yesterday, I felt the first chill of winter’s due. The leaves on the trees are turning yellow...

Life is like a Macaron
Life is not like a box of chocolates as Forest Gump’s mamma said in the award-winning film from 1996. It’s like a macaron! Every time you...

Against the Wind
Every spring I grow sunflowers from seed. I get a thrill watching these gigantic flowers bloom. This warmth loving prairie plant actually...

Far From Home
Look what I found! Orchids hanging from the wedding bouquet my mother-in-law lovingly designed when I married her son 14 years ago. Last...

The Joy Maker
My daughter and I just finished reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I’d read this book in elementary school. However,...

Flying on Hope
Last month I took my daughters with me to visit my parents in California. It was wonderful to take a quick break from Alaska before the...

Lost and Found
I have a handful of songs in my repertoire that I play on the piano when the mood arises. They’re in my mind and muscle memory so take...

Making Peace
I know I’m jumping ahead, way ahead, to the final step—making peace. The word peace is associated with healing. Peace signifies freedom...

Experiment with Prayer
I tried an experiment this month. I set a goal to focus my prayers specifically on things I’m grateful for and let go of any needs or...

About Restoring Virtue
What is this book about and who can it help? Restoring Virtue is about how I was able to access the Atonement as a way to recover from...
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